make confused your friends
Hye visitors I hope you all enjoy my blog
Today I going to post a trick of fb which confuse your friends
Put this URL
profile.php?=73322363 on Facebook Status or
Comment, this is actually link to ones
Facebook Profile so whenever someone will
click on this link, he/ she will get redirected
to own’s Facebook profile. hahshagagaha JUST SHARE WITH FRIENDS DYON MA YAD RAKHNA ALLAH HAFIZ
Today I going to post a trick of fb which confuse your friends
Put this URL
profile.php?=73322363 on Facebook Status or
Comment, this is actually link to ones
Facebook Profile so whenever someone will
click on this link, he/ she will get redirected
to own’s Facebook profile. hahshagagaha JUST SHARE WITH FRIENDS DYON MA YAD RAKHNA ALLAH HAFIZ